Here’s What People Are Saying

ABOUT beyond the stage youth.

“Blaire Smith is a wonderful guide to young people through this process. I highly recommend her program for your consideration and support. ”

Theatre requires a community of connected people to create and sustain it. People who know how to work independently and as a team. Just like in real life. Everyone is asked to expand their sense of empathy and consider the world from a different point of view by telling the story. These are abilities we value as adults as well. Youth should be given as many opportunities to learn these skills as well. Blaire Smith is a wonderful guide to young people through this process. I highly recommend her program for your consideration and support.

Allison Epperson, GA, USA

"It was very fun! I liked it so much!"

Ethan (7), China

“The students walked away from it with an understanding of the importance of expressing our emotions, and it reinforced the work that we were doing in this unit so it was perfect!”


“It helped me see that storytelling was something I could actually do, and was good at! I have now taken my interest and turned it into a passion.”

I never thought much about acting before I started theatre with Blaire. Acting was always just something to do, that my friends were in. Working with Blaire, she helped me see that storytelling was something I could actually do, and was good at! She is such a vibrant and fun director, who keeps everyone interested and engaged. I have now taken my interest and turned it into a passion.

Kelsey (17) MN, USA

“This journey through theatre not only provided me with needed self esteem, but suddenly I was able to interact with more of my peers and had a deeper understanding of team dynamics..”

Growing up as an overweight and athletically challenged boy left me feeling stranded on the fringe of the socially dichotomy. Fortunately, I was able to discover performing at an early age. This journey through theatre not only provided me with needed self esteem, but seemingly leveled the social playing field. Through the arts, suddenly I was able to interact with more of my peers and had a deeper understanding of team dynamics. As I was able to open up, others my age began to see my personality and humor and appreciate that. I was able to leave behind that initial fear because I had found a voice in performing. I had encouragement to voice my perspective in a safe place which then grew into being able to do so with those I had felt distant from in the past. We are not merely allowed to tell stories with this craft, but given the opportunity and the tools to be the individuals. Who can begin a journey to self discovery.

Christopher G. MO, USA


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